【悲報】 中国企業の売上、捏造だった 8割がBotユーザー、米国を騙す不正会計と米投資会社が指摘

1 : :2020/11/25(水) 18:38:39.33 ID:wW5cX0D00

中国「ライブ配信大手」に不正会計疑惑が浮上 歓聚集団、BOT使いユーザー数や売上を水増し


2020/11/25 3:40

While trawling the sewers of the world’s capital markets over the past 10 years, irony has never been in short supply.
And yet, nothing could prepare us for the surreality of Baidu announcing its intention to buy YY Live from JOYY, w
hich happened just as we were preparing to reveal that our year-long
investigation shows YY Live is about 90% fraudulent.
It was clear to us from early on that YY Live was almost entirely fake.
incessant cheating, lying, and indifference to U.S. law permeate the highest echelons of China’s public companies.

Botユーザーでの売上捏造を指摘した米投資会社のレポート 2020/11/18


Source: http://matometanews.com/index.rdf

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